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Day 65 - Hungry Lake

Our final day in Ottawa and we got off to a slightly later start than we wanted.  We headed back downtown and once again couldnt get a Parliament centre block tour ticket so I guess we need to come back soon for a visit.  Repeating our lunch from a couple days prior we once again devoured a couple of bagels in the market, before returning to the car and heading to Hungry Lake.  Hungry is a small lake a couple hours southwest of Ottawa that Scott's family had a cabin on during his youth.  Upon arriving we were greeted by the friendly people of Hungry Lake Lodge and soon were off in a rented canoe.  Paddling past the old cabin, Scott was impressed with the amount of the work that has been done since they had owned it.  Soon after passing the cabin we realized that we had left the tent in the car so we paddled back in, grabbed the tent, and went on our way down to the other end of the lake were there is a small beach and a secluded spot to setup a tent.  We cooled down with a dip in the lake, made some dinner, started a fire and watched the sunset.  A fun day full of many memories.
