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Day 62-64 - Ottawa

Day 62

Our first full day in Ottawa would be one spent catching up with many of Scott's friends.  After a morning of doing laundry we headed to Lansdowne Park and had lunch at Joey's with Mazin and Mo.  Tori endured a couple hours of spirited tech talk that ranged from the differences between working in government, Microsoft and Amazon, to opinions on how our education prepared us for our careers.

Finishing lunch and saying goodbye to old friends, Tori and I headed up to walk around the Hog's Back rapids see the area that I used to live.  A stop at Baskin Robbins and a bit more driving around chased the rest of the afternoon away.

Dinner was enjoyed at Scott's favourite thai restaurant, Nokham Thai, and then the night moved down the street to Clock tower westboro.  Drinks were enjoyed with Josh, Tiara, Jeff, Kristen, wee Charlie and Zac.

The night was capped off with a stop for some poutine.

Day 63

Waking up a bit later than we wanted we headed down to explore the Byward market, downtown Ottawa, and the many government buildings as well as seeing a bit of the Rideau canal.  Unfortunately we arrived too late to get tickets for a parliament tour of the center block, but that allowed us a couple hours later in the day to visit with Wyman (Scott's great uncle) and Beverley.

Following the morning downtown which featured a lunch at one of Scott's favourite bagel shops we drove up to Gatineau Park to take in the views from the Champlain lookout.  On the way out of the park we also made a quick stop at the Mackenzie King estate.

We dodged a thunderstorm with a visit to Wyman and Beverley's before heading south to Barrhaven to stay with Katy and Scott for the next couple nights.   Much catching up was had that night and their hospitality was appreciated.

Day 64

Second day in Ottawa started by spending the morning in Westboro as we had the car brought into the shop to look at the transmission before the warranty expired.  Good news the warranty on the transmission had been extended an additional 40000 miles, so we will be worry free for the next few years.  Continuing the day we ventured out to the Cheshire Pub for a late lunch with Jeff and Mike.

In order to walk off lunch we took a stroll through Andrew Haydon park and then refilled ourselves with some Gelato at Stella Luna. If we hadnt had enough calories by then we certainly were full by the end of the evening as we had a great time around the BBQ at Scott and Katy's, joined by Jeff, Kristen and Charlie.  Good times with good friends.

centre block, parliament of canada
Tori at the byward market

produce at the byward market

panang curry at nokham thai

Bagel shop in byward market square

rideau canal and parliament

flags of Canada

"knowledge" outside the archives of Canada

war monument

backside of parliament and the parliamentary library


mackenzie king estate

geese at andrew hayden park

geese at Andrew Hayden park


buskers on Sparks Street

view from Champlain Lookout

supreme court of canada

andrew hayden park
