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England Day 6 - Greenwich and more of London

After many days of go go go we slept in an effort to recover a little bit.  Eventually we left the house in the early afternoon and headed into town to visit a few more sites.  Our first stop of the day was in Greenwich where we visited the home of the prime meridian.  The tour of the observatory and its grounds was very informative and we both left amazed by the ingenuity and persistence of the inventors and scientists who have made navigation and time keeping so easy for all of us. 

After Greenwich we headed back into central London and walked past Shakespeare's globe theatre before heading to the Borough Market for a snack.  We had one more highlight that we had yet to visit so we made our way to Buckingham palace and looked at it over its walls.  It was early evening by now but Tori could not put the thought of going home without an essential souvenir out of her head.  We made a scramble to get to Barbour before they closed and Tori was very happy to go home with a souvenir. 

At this point we got back on the tube and headed back for Anne and Dan's.  Despite spending the previous few nights at their place we had not really spent much time with them.  We enjoyed our evening together over Indian food paired with Craft beers - great restaurant selection Dan - and then a few more drinks at the house. 

Another fun day of exploring and eating.
