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Netherlands Day 15 - Rijks Museum and Anne Frank House

In the morning we got tickets to visit the house of Anne Frank before making some breakfast and heading over to the Rijks art musuem.  We met Ted, Tami, Jim and Caroline at the museum and enjoyed the many exhibits created by artists from the 1300s all the way through modern times. 

We walked back through town with Ted and Tami before parting ways to return to our previous hotel and collect a forgotten outlet converter.  After a stop to grab a drink and a snack we wandered over to the Anne Frank house and thoroughly enjoyed the very depressing exhibit about life hiding from the Nazis.  The Franks and four friends managed to evade capture by the Germans for two years before being found in their hidden annex above a warehouse owned by their father.  Of the eight people captured only her father avoided being murdered by the Nazis.  Her famous diaries have been sold around the world and are a reminder of the dark side of humanity. 

In the evening we spent a bit more time on the rooftop of the boat before heading for a simple dinner at an Amstel pub very near the boat. 

