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Bolivia Day 6 - onwards to Sucre

In the morning we toured the Casa Nacional de Moneda which was the national mint of Bolivia for nearly 3 centuries.  The mint was in operation from the 17th century working mostly by manually hammering out each coin to the beginning of the 20th century where it was using electricity to run a much more automated system.  The most interesting period was post hammers where mule powered machines were used to press the metal ingots into thin strips that were then pressed via the same donkey power into coins. 

After the very interesting two hour tour we found a spot for lunch before climbing up one of the church towers for a view of the famous hill and the city.  Finishing this we grabbed our bags from the hostel and caught a bus to Sucre, Bolivia's other or to some people true capital city.  We synced up with a german couple we had met on the Uyuni tour and enjoyed dinner and laughs with them in the evening.

Recreation of El Tio - Lord of the underworld.  We did not visit the mines so seeing this recreation was a bonus.
