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Vietnam Day 14 - Hue - Imperial City - SEAsia Day 40

We arrived to Hue - a city in central Vietnam that was the seat of Nguyen Dynasty emperors and the national capital from 1802 to 1945 - around 8 am and walked about a mile from the bus stop to our hotel.  The very friendly receptionist checked us in and gave us a run down of what to do in the area and what tours were available.  While waiting for our room to be prepared he offered us breakfast for approximately 2 dollars each.

After relaxing for the remainder of the morning we headed out for lunch at a lovely French inspired restaurant Les Jardins de la Carambole Ciudadela.  With our stomachs full we made our way into the Imperial City. 

The Imperial City was a fascinating experience as we explored many different areas of the cities grounds.  The city is enclosed by four ramparts, each 2km long, forming a square and surrounded by a large moat.  Unfortunately much of the city has suffered from wars against the French and Americans.  Out of the original 160 buildings only 10 major buildings remain due to these wars.  Restoration of more of the buildings is still on going.

More info can be found here:,_Hu%E1%BA%BF

After a few hours we headed back to our hotel.  On route we passed a museum that features a collection of war trophies, largely a set of seized American military tanks, helicopters, and planes.

In the evening we met up with our Spanish friends and enjoyed dinner and some cheap beers.  We were seated next to a young Israeli couple and their 6 month old baby and notes were taken on how to travel with a new born.  This young girl has already been to 6 countries in her short existence.

Entrance to the great mother's residence



