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Malaysia Day 12 - Leaving Langkawi - SEAsia Day 77

We woke up early and took a grab to the airport.  The flight back to Kuala Lumpur was cheap and it saved us a 10 hour bus journey.  Arriving in Kuala Lumpur early we dropped our bags off at our hotel before venturing to a shopping center to avoid the heat.  We found some cheap lunch in the food court and eventually made our way back to the hotel.  We kept with our plan to see Thean Hou Temple at sunset.  The temple was quite impressive as was the colors offered by the sunset.  The only let down was not realizing that they only light the hundreds of lanterns for a short period of time around Chinese New Year.  So we enjoyed the temple without the lanterns lit up.  Following our time at the temple we wandered down the hill and found a local road side stand for dinner.  Delicious roasted chicken and rice for less than 2 dollars each.  Food away from tourists hot spots is always a great deal! hotel pool was closed so we couldn't cool down in

Malaysia Day 11 - Tanjung Rhu Beach - SEAsia Day 76

We rented a motorbike and drove across the island to check out a couple beaches.  The black beach was a complete letdown and we moved on almost immediately.  We then found a beautiful spot that was quite quiet.  Tanjung Rhu beach had limited number of tourists due to its somewhat remote location.  There were a decent number of locals around but nobody pestering you trying to sell things.  We setup the hammock in the trees and enjoyed the beach and the shade.  A western lunch of delicious cheeseburgers cooked over charcoal kept us content until dinner.  With the day winding down we headed back and returned the scooter.  We walked down the street and found a busy restaurant serving cheap food and drink.  The perfect day in paradise.  Crabs digging holes leaving intricate patterns in the beach  Scott got a workout in in the early morning Path on the run to the gym Black Sand beach was disappointing

Malaysia Day 10 - Skybridge Langkawi - SEAsia Day 75

For the first time in a long time we had stayed at a hotel that did not provide breakfast.  We found a little middle eastern cafe across the street and enjoyed coffee, fresh bread, and eggs for breakfast.  Another wander down to the beach and then back along the strip to find lunch.  We found a Moroccan restaurant with very friendly staff.  The Argan Trees staff was so friendly that when the server found out we were from the USA he played the star spangled banner, a first on our travels.  The curried lamb was delicious and Tori enjoyed her meal as well.  We were gifted post lunch moroccan tea and enjoyed the show the server had in pouring it into our cups.  Finishing lunch we caught a grab destined for the famous Sky Bridge.  The Sky Bridge is a very high platform built between a couple of the limestone peaks that make up Langkawi.  The weather was mixed but we managed to get a few decent views of the surrounding islands between passing clouds.  We made our way back down and enjoyed