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Vietnam Day 23 - Fishing Village and Red Sand Dunes - SEAsia Day 49

We had rented motorbikes the night before so we could get an early start on today.  Another good breakfast was had at the hotel and we headed down the road to see the fishing village.  The local woman were in full force negotiating with fishermen for the price of all the creatures caught in the sea.  A pretty site from above with many colorful boats in the water.

Back on the bikes we continued down the road to see the Red Sand dunes.  Beating the heat of the day is always important when visiting sand dunes and we did that.  After checking out the dunes we drove back to the hotel enjoying the warmth by swimming in the sea and the pool. 

After returning the bikes we wandered down the strip and had dinner at the Thuy Thien Restaurant.  The spicy bbq'd squid was tasty but everything else was pretty average.  Another good day of sunshine and the sea.

BBQ spicy squid

Thai ice cream served with style
