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Chile Day 12 - Isla Magdalena

In the morning we woke up early and packed our bags.  Leaving our bags at the hostel we caught a cab to the boat terminal where we boarded a boat destined for the small island of Magdalena which is home to a thriving penguin colony.  After an hour on the boat we spent approximately one hour walking around the island being amused by the thousands of penguins and other birds that call this island home.  The experience was memorable and the weather near perfect for this part of the world.  The penguins were active, clumsily running around, and jumping in and out of the water in search of fish.  At one point a couple of dolphins swam by which was an unexpected bonus.  Finishing our tour over the island we returned to Punta Arenas, found some burritos for lunch and eventually made our way to the airport to meet Jared.  From the airport we hopped on a bus to take us to Puerto Natales the launching town for Torres del Paine National Park.  A few beers were had as we packed our bags that evening.
