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Seattle and LA

We spent a few days in Seattle recovering, visiting, and repacking before heading to LA to see Chris, Andrea, and Tori's grandfather.  Arriving tired and weary we managed to recover enough to celebrate Tami's birthday that night.  BBQ and a Aquaman was on the agenda, though Scott failed to make it through the previews before passing out.  The next day was a visit to see Jayson and his new son before Tori went off to see Tito and Monica, while Scott spent some time with Jayson, Mo and Andrew watching the Seahawks stumble out of the playoffs.  Sunday night was a gathering of Tori's friends and partners for pizza in Lynnwood, another fun night of stories shared and future itineraries told.  Monday was left for packing and last minute shopping before heading out early Tuesday morning to catch the first leg to Ontario, California. 

Andrea picked us up from the airport and we went and visited Papa.  He was in good spirits, managing the usual laughs during the visit.  A stop at In and Out for lunch and we relaxed/napped in the afternoon while Andrea ran some errands.  The visit added a good friend of Chris's  on route to a trivia night at a local restaurant in which we managed to place second but won the bonus round of drinks so that was a plus.

Wednesday we took out the PT Cruiser and finished a couple more errands before syncing back up with Chris and Andrea.  Chris, Tori, and Scott spent the evening playing beach volleyball in the backyard of a friend of Chris's.  A fun but slightly cold evening.  Thursday morning we packed our bags and headed for the airport.
