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Chile Day 14 - Seron to Dickson

Up early we made some breakfast discovering that the chocolate powder we brought to flavor the plain oatmeal made things worse.  The next week plus of oatmeal for breakfast is going to be pleasant.  The morning was cool but pleasant in the valley and at a relaxed pace we packed up camp and set out for Camp Dickson.  The first part of the hike was a bit rolling as we gently began our ascent out of the valley.  Following a some very pretty views of the river and a lake we started our first steep ascent of the trek.  Climbing approximately 1000 feet to get out of the valley and onto a crest that overlooked Laguna Paine.  The wind is known to howl in this part of the park and it greeted us with all of its fury.  Gusts that nearly knocked us over made taking a few photos an arduous task.  The winds kept up as we slowly descended into the backside of the park.  The wind relented about an hour later as we entered a brief bit of forest.

We stopped for lunch at the ranger station which marks the unofficial half way point of the day.  As we relaxed we learned in conversation with a couple of guides that the winds today were abnormally strong and we were getting the truest version of Patagonia as a result.  The day warmed up as we continued our hike along a ridge offering wonderful views of a river that connects Lago Paine wth Lago Dickson as well as mountains in the distance.  Surpassing the 5 hour mark of our hike and after crossing a bunch of makeshift boardwalks in a wetland we emerged at the top of a ridge that gave wonderful views over Laguna Dickson and Campemento Dickson where we would spend the night.  We took in the views and made our way along yet another ridge before descending a very steep 200 feet down to the flat where the camp is situated.  We setup camp, explored the area a little bit, made dinner, and enjoyed a couple of beers.  A fine second day.
