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Argentina Day 8 - Bus to Cafayate

We left the hotel at 10:30 and arrived at the bus station around 10:45 hoping to catch a noon bus to Cafayate.  The crowds at the bus station were huge and it took us until 12:15 to get a ticket for a 2:00 bus.  At 2 we returned to the platform and no busses were there.  At 2:15 5 busses showed up to take people to towns in the north.  More mayhem and confusion occurred as passengers were bounced from one bus to another.  Finally at 3pm we were on our way to Cafayate.  A beautiful drive through hills and desert, with huge cacti, borras, llamas, sheep, and horses both domestic and wild dotting the landscape.  The elevation was starting to increase and crossing one pass we were over 10000 feet in elevation.

Tired we arrived at our stay for the night at 9:30.  We wandered through the quaint dusty town center and found some dinner.  A long day but with some excitement based on what little we had experienced in Cafayate.


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