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Day 52 - 54 Port Dufferin and onto Halifax

Day 52

Another relaxing day hanging out in Port Dufferin.  Scott was back on the sail board and listened to Barrie's advice and made sure he saw him on the other side of the bay.  Intentionally or not the steady breeze created an adventure and another story for this trip.  Tori stayed committed to her plans and despite the delay put in a few more miles running.  One more happy hour on the porch and unfortunately our time in Port Dufferin has to come to an end in the morning.

Day 53

We packed up our things, took a stroll down Smiley's Point road to see a neighbour and their Duck Trolling Retriever, said our goodbyes and set out for Halifax.  The drive along the eastern shore was gorgeous and before long we were stopping for lunch at Yeah Yeah's pizza in Dartmouth.  Very full from eating too much pizza we arrived at Marie Soleil and Scott's place in the south end of Halifax.  The only greeting that was not part of the usual was that of the new addition to their family Leo.  We settled in and then headed out for a walking tour of the downtown.  A roughly 4 mile walk took us past the Citadel and along the majority of the waterfront boardwalk.  On the return we passed through a cemetery that contains many from the Titanic, as well as the Halifax Public Gardens.  A relaxing evening spent playing "Dice Poker" (, an odd cross between connect 4, yahtzee, and poker.

Day 54

After sleeping in a bit and enjoying a fantastic french toast breakfast cooked by our hosts, we headed back down to the waterfront with Scott to catch the ferry across to the other side of the harbor.  Once across the harbor we walked a harborside trail from one ferry terminal to the other.  Of course our thirst increased and we stopped at Battery Park to try a few of the local brews.  Following the refreshments we hopped back on the ferry and made our way back to Scott and Marie Soleil's.  A bit of rest and we headed out for a short hike along the rocks at Herring Cove Provincial Park.  The fog rolled in a bit but the views and the hike was still enjoyed.

Once back in Halifax we ordered some sushi from a place around the corner, enjoyed it thoroughly, and sipped on a few brews while battling over more poker dice and eventually some fifa on the ps4.

Halifax Skyline from Dartmouth

Drunken Lightpoles art installation

Downtown Halifax

Halifax Public Gardens

Sailboat against a dark sky as seen from Herring Cove

Fine East Coast Beer with a hint of Dice Poker board
