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Cambodia Day 6 - Phnom Penh to Kampot - SEAsia Day 83

After watching the Seahawks game at 8am in the morning we were once again on the road.  We took a minivan from Phnom Penh to Kampot in the south of Cambodia. The road was under a lot of construction and the road was by no means a highway so the 175 kilometres took approximately 5 hours.  We checked into our hotel and wandered down to the river to watch the sunset.

In another quest for pizza we ended up at Divino Italian restaurant and enjoyed what this Italian family of 4 had to offer.  The pizza was good but the bar has been set high back in Vietnam.  Finishing our meals we wandered back through the night market to the hotel.

The following are more pictures from the day Prior in Phnom Penh that did not feel correct in the genocide post.
