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Day 24 - Canyonlands National Park - Island in the Sky

Kieran and Scott woke up at 4:30 to head into Canyonlands National Park to watch the sunrise at Mesa Arch. 3 hours later after being awed by the emerging canyon and colors of the sunrise, they returned for a short nap, breakfast, and to pick up Tori for the days adventure.

After talking to a campground employee the planned hikes at Canyonlands were changed based on the local knowledge.  We arrived back at Canyonlands ready to hike at about 11, and spoke with a Park Ranger who advised us against doing the hike do to the heat.  This advice was eventually important as we all packed additional water for the 8.5 mile Syncline trail down into the canyon and back out.

The trail was quite technical, steep, with some small scrambles at various points.  The trek was fun and kept us alert as the path was marked by a series of rock cairns.  Stopping in the shade of an overhanging part of the canyon wall we made some lunch on the hiking stove and carried on after an approximate 30 minute rest.  A couple miles later we were met with a somewhat challenging series of rock scrambles to get up and out of the middle portion of the canyon.  After traversing this section and figuring out one wrong turn we met a solo hiker named Connor.  Connor appeared to be ok but was low on water and decided to turn around and hike back out in the same direction as us.  Approximately 30 minutes later Connor vommitted and it was clear that the heat and lack of water were a serious concern.  Sitting in a shaded spot we fed Connor some salty snacks, and water.  Feeling a bit better we continued but he was definitely getting worse.  We made a decision that Tori and Kieran would hike out and notify park rangers.  Tori and Kieran left at approximately 2:30 with roughly 3 miles of trail and 1000 feet of elevation still to gain.

Scott remained with Connor and for the next two hours continued to get him to eat more salty foods, drink more of the extra water, - while ensuring he had enough to finish the hike safely himself - and walk and climb from shaded spot to shaded spot.  3 hours later Scott had helped Connor cover 2 miles but the pace was slowing, the breaks between jaunts were getting longer, and nearly all of the water was consumed.  At this point Scott knew he was a mile from the trail head and Connor wasnt going to get much farther without water.  He decided to let Connor stay in a shaded spot on the trail and return to the trail head for water.

As Scott reached the trail head some 20 minutes later he saw the park rangers coming toward him.  Connors location was given to the ranger as well as his last known state, and where to find his emergency contacts which Scott had Connor write down a few hours earlier.  The rangers headed down to Connor's aid and Scott met back up with Tori and Kieran to everyone's relief.

20 minutes later radio from the rangers to a ranger at the head of the trail confirmed they had found Connor and that he should be able to be walked out though an IV at the top would likely help him immensely.

A few bottles of water later and incident statements given to the rangers the trio headed back to Mesa Arch as Tori wanted to see it but sleep was more important some 14 hours earlier.

Returing to camp to shower, food and beer was enjoyed at Moab Brewing and various scenarios and details about the days adventure were discussed.  Connor was the only person who was seen on the trail the entire day,  what would have happened if the camp employee never suggested the hike, what if the ranger warnings to not do the hike were regarded, etc, etc.

Connor if you stumble across and reading this we are glad you are ok and hope this incident doesn't scare you away from hiking.

sunrise at Mesa Arch
sunrise at Mesa Arch

sunrise at Mesa Arch
shortly after sunrise view from island in the sky
back country road winding through the canyon

on the hike

proof Connor was with us


  1. Wow. Life is full of WHAT IF's, Glad to hear he was Ok and I think some day he will acknowledge that he found three Guardian Angles under the Arches.


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