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Turkey Day 5 - Istanbul - Palace and Grand Bazaar

On our final day in Istanbul we were up early and beat the rush to see the Topkapi Palace.  Now a museum these historic grounds were once the center of the ottoman empire and at its peak housed nearly ten thousand people, though more commonly the population inside the walls was two to three thousand.  The site has been well preserved and many artifacts are on display in various rooms throughout the property.  The most sacred room contains many revered items to the muslim religion, including what is claimed to be the staff of Moses.  We were too far from the red sea to test if it still works. 

After our tour of the palace we grabbed one final authentic Turkish meal for lunch and then headed on a whim to the Grand Bazaar.  Finally this huge and ancient market was open.  We explored a small percentage of its over 3000 shops leaving in time to see the famous spice bazaar.  The spice bazaar was unfortunately very touristed and far from authentic.  With our time running down we returned to the hotel to grab our bags and catch the shuttle to the airport. 

Crossing a bridge on the way to the airport we were technically in Asia again though only for a few hours until our flight took us back into Europe and we arrived near midnight in Amsterdam.
