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Peru Day 12 - Lares Trek Second Day

We were woken up and treated to hot coca tea in our tents at 6:30 and following breakfast we were soon back on the trail.  Today's hike was much easier as we descended approximately 2000 feet down through the Lares valley.  Again we were spoiled with the views of mountains and grazing alpacas until we reached the town  of Patacancha.  Passing a small school we were welcomed inside to the kindergarten class and spoiled the kids with candies and small toys.  Some kids were shy others very happy to see us.  By the time we left the sugar crash was certainly hitting some of the children, poor teacher.  We continued our walk and reached Hulloc village at approximately noon.  At this point a van picked us up and drove us approximately half an hour into Ollantaytambo where we would camp that night.  Lunch was once again prepared and enjoyed.  We took a short nap before heading into town to climb one of the hills we had seen a couple days prior but didnt have time to ascend.  

Thirsty from the afternoon sun we found a small spot in town and enjoyed some pisco sours and beer before walking back to camp for dinner.  Sean suggested the cooks join us for the meal so we had a laugh filled couple of hours eating with them.  Certainly a memorable experience.  A couple hours after the sun went down we retired for the night, preparing our day packs with our essentials for the next couple days as the other gear would be sent back to Cusco with the chefs in the morning. 
