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Peru Day 7 - Arrive in Cusco

Once again it was a very early alarm in order to be at the airport to catch our 6:40 am flight.  In typical south american fashion our flight departed a bit late but eventually we arrived in Cusco and caught a taxi to our airbnb.  The colonial style apartment would be our home for the next several days as we explored the many sites and ruins Cusco has to offer.  The town is a bastardization of the cechua word for the bodies naval as Cusco was the center of the inka world.  We did a bit of exploring on our first day with our initial stop being for lunch at the San Blas market just around the corner from our accommodations.  A tasty sandwich and fresh squeeze fruit juice was a cheap and refreshing welcome to Cusco.  We dropped of our laundry and headed out to Plazoleta Santo Domingo one of many colonial buildings built on top of inka foundations.  Incredibly the inka foundations found throughout Cusco have survived centuries of weather and earthquakes, often having the colonial buildings rebuilt multiple times on top of these ancient walls.  The second spot we visited was the Coca Museum.  A very interesting history of the coca leaf was given as well as the negative impacts of cocaine.  We found a spot for dinner and then wrapped the day up with drinks at one of the most unique bars we have ever been to.  Fallen Angel was eclectically decorated and utilized the original bathtubs to showcase goldfish underneath a glass table top for the common tables.
